Depression as a Mnemonic

Reference for anyone affected by depression:

* (D)ecide to seek treatment to obtain help to become better;

* (E)ducate yourself about depression by obtaining information and working with a medical professional;

* (P)ersistence is required to complete treatment(s), as it may take time and patience to resolve any medical issues;

* (R)eevaluate any treatment plan(s) periodically for effectiveness and to ensure that it’s the best for you;

* (E)ncouragement should be solicited from friends and family;

* (S)eek moments of silence to decompress, reflect, and relax on an ongoing basis;

* (S)upport others on their journey to get better, which can help you, too;

* (I)nitiate activities that can aid with stress relief and that can also create moments of happiness — including laughter

* (O)penness about mental health challenges can help to release stress instead of keeping it inside; releasing stress can also help to expedite the recovery process;

* (N)ever Give-up, as the feeling(s) of being depressed can be associated with a moment.  Remember that life is about cumulative moments.  Your next positive experiences are only moments away.

Nobody has to struggle alone, as there’s always someone who is willing to provide assistance.  The challenge – many times – is to be willing to identify assistance and give someone an opportunity to help.

​Remember — no matter the length of your journey, don’t forget to be your best!

Anyone who needs assistance should contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at or 1-800-273-8255.

A collection of Mr. Young’s articles and interviews about depression are available at: 

​Additional information about Mr. Young’s journey to overcome his depression and near-suicide can be obtained in his book “Choosing to Take a Stand: Changed me, my life, and my destiny”.
