Helping Others To Be And Do Better

A thoughtful and inspirational educator,

mental health advocate, mentor, and orator.


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Contribute to your support system to maximize everyone’s potential for success, even if your support system isn’t defined by traditional family lines.


Learn as much as possible about a range of topics throughout your life, as learning shouldn’t be tied to specific moments.


Be available to support others’ journeys, as community development requires everyone’s efforts around you.

A group of people standing next to each other.

Dr. Young received the “Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drum Major Innovative Service Award” from the U.S. Department of Education’s Center for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, in collaboration with the White House Initiative for Educational Excellence for African-Americans.

A man in a suit and tie holding a glass award.

Dr. Young received the "Distinguished County Service Award" from Volunteer Arlington (a program of the Leadership Center for Excellence). This award is given to an individual or a group (through volunteerism) who has demonstrated outstanding commitment and care to Arlington, VA citizens.

Click here to read an article about Dr. Young’s outreach.

A man standing in front of a projector screen.

Don’t devalue any positive struggles toward an endpoint because completion and success feel the same no matter the way you started.

Challenging moments help to define each of us; the choices made during these times often reflect an individual’s true nature.

A roll of paper with pieces missing next to it.

You start with a blank slate, the way
you fill it is up to you... choose wisely.

A man standing in front of a projector screen.

Don’t devalue any positive struggles toward an endpoint because completion and success feel the same no matter the way you started.


Challenging moments help to define each of us; the choices made during these times often reflect an individual’s true nature.

A roll of paper with pieces missing next to it.

You start with a blank slate,the way
you fill it is up to you... choose wisely.

award-winning educator, mental health advocate, author/writer, social entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, mentor, songwriter, program executive, and radio host

Dr. Young appears on the Dr. Phil Show to discuss his experiences with unethical workplace bullies that led to him nearly ending his life.

Dr. Young has a candid conversation (for the first time since his near-suicide) about the day his brother (Johnnie) prevented Dr. Young from ending his life.

Dr. Young shares his inspirational story about his survival after a near-suicide on the "Oh My Goff Show." This is the Fox 5 WTTG segment.

Click here to watch the complete interview.

Dr. Young discusses social entrepreneurship, along with the factors that drove his efforts to give-back to opportunity "at-risk" communities.

A group of men in white shirts and black pants.

Dr. Young at the Shelby County Schools’ Youth Conference.

A group of people standing in front of a projector screen.

Dr. Young with aspiring journalists at the George Mason University's

Washington Journalism and Media Conference (WJMC).

Three people standing next to each other in front of a tree.

Dr. Young with former Arlington County Sheriff Beth Arthur and his nonprofit organization’s (Saving Our Communities at Risk Through Educational Services – SOCARTES) hero — Program Manager Kristen Cane.

This picture was taken to recognize Dr. Young for being “Volunteer of the Month” for his work with inmates at the Arlington County Detention Facility.

Click here to learn about SOCARTES.

A man standing in front of a podium with an airplane.

Dr. Young speaking at the Project Management Institute (PMI) – Washington, DC Chapter’s “Project Management Symposium."

Click to view Dr. Young's presentation.