Unnecessary Judgments Impact Forward-Progress

Link to this article on HuffPost

An idea can be impacted by judgments (internal and external) before any work begins to develop it.  Generally, the biggest barriers to an idea’s fate are normally related to someone’s immediate reaction(s) about a concept’s value, along with self-imposed limitations about the possibility of being able to implement it.

Doubts, worries, and fears about an idea’s potential success are normal — as most individuals don’t want to be or be considered a failure.  Although, these types of thoughts can unnecessarily create self-imposed limitations that negatively impact someone’s forward-progress.  Furthermore, anyone who can move beyond potential barrier(s) to make forward-progress might also have their idea(s) derailed by individuals who sometimes provide baseless evaluations about a concept’s worthiness.

Before continuing, a definition of judgment as it relates to this article is required.  A judgment is an assessment (right or wrong)
about the quality, feasibility, value, necessity, or an ability to achieve a communicated idea, goal, or objective.   Judgments can be valuable tools for forward-progress or can be barriers that limit potential ideas and futures.

​Baseless judgments can:
* create closed environments that don’t allow open and honest communication;
* create environments of fear that prevent the reporting of unacceptable behavior;
* minimize opportunities to share struggles or be vulnerable due to others’ evaluations;
* block new ideas from being developed;
* impact positive progress;
* prevent individuals from achieving their potential and living fulfilled lives.

Thoughtful judgments – even if the comments aren’t delivered in the most positive way – can:
* help individuals make forward-progress;
* build confidence for an individual or idea;
* lead to additional and sometimes better ideas;
* provide an emotional boost to help individuals get past a difficult moment or challenge;
* cause others to support a cause;
​* positively improve lives.

Judgmental comments should be mindfully offered — especially with impressionable individuals.  This guidance is important because unsolicited and offhanded remarks can be unnecessarily impactful, while also having the potential to provide negative direction that might prevent innovative ideas from being developed or individuals from advancement.

If someone’s idea(s) don’t make sense to you, don’t quash it; instead, help an individual evaluate options to determine if their idea(s) can and sometimes should be further developed.  

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