Strategies to Help Struggling Students

S. L. Young presents at the Northern Virginia Community College’s inaugural Ignite event on 10/24/14. Ignite is a tool to deliver powerful presentations in less than five minutes. The concept “enlighten us, but make it quick”.
​Mr. Young discusses strategies to help struggling students succeed. This is a must watch presentation for teachers, administrators, counselors, parents, and struggling students. This presentation is based on Mr. Young’s journey from at-risk student who was directed to leave high school in the 10th grade after failing 6 of 7 classes to becoming a college professor.
For parents, educators, counselors, administrators, and others, it can be a challenge to identify effective strategies to reach at-risk students. A component of these challenges is that some of these same individuals sometimes project incorrect assumptions about a student who might not be doing well at a moment and also their potential for future success.
Similar false assumptions were made about Mr. Young, his ability to learn, and also his future capabilities.
Mr. Young is a former at-risk student who failed 6 of 7 classes his sophomore year of high school, graduated in the bottom 8% of his class, attended a couple of colleges prior to being able to connect with the process of learning. Now, Mr. Young teaches college and also founded an educational nonprofit organization “Saving Our Communities at Risk Through Educational Services – SOCARTES:” to give-back, educate, and inspire.
The video and presentation on this page identify strategies to help struggling students based on Mr. Young’s experiences as a former at-risk student and educator.
This story is about the power of choice, a dream, desire, and determination to not quit — along with an ability to overcome, persevere, and excel after struggling academically for many years.
Mr. Young’s accomplishments wouldn’t be as likely without a caring educator – Gwen Felder – who encouraged, inspired, and drove him to do better. Thank you very much Ms. Felder!
No matter the length of your journey — always be your best!
Information on Mr. Young’s journey to overcome his educational journey is detailed in his book, “Above Expectations – My Story: an unlikely journey from almost failing high school to becoming a college professor“. This story is about the power of choice, a dream, desire, and determination to not quit, to overcome, to persevere, and to excel after struggling academically for many years.